Dog Willing

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Happy Birthday Souris-Manon!

Souris-Manon (Grau Geist's Let R Rip Du Souris) turned 13 this weekend! So here's to:

13 years of growing up

13 years of chillaxing with her buddies

13 years of guard dog duty 

13 years of watching over the youngsters

13 years of cuddling

13 years of visits to the Vet

13 years of wear and tear

13 years of running

13 seasons of pointing sharptailed grouse

and woodcock

and ruffed grouse

and jackrabbits

and huns

and snipe

and pheasants

13 seasons of fetching ducks
and geese
and grouse

and pheasants

and jackrabbits

13 seasons of sitting in duck blinds

and goose blinds

and canoes

13 years of videos

And above all, 13 years of putting a smile on my face

So here's to many, many more 

Happy Birthday Souris!