Dog Willing

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Shooting Sports

Since publishing Pointing Dogs Volume One in 2011, I have to admit that I've been a bit lazy about photographing my dogs in action. For the last couple of years, I've tended to reach more for my gun to shoot birds for diner than for my cameras to 'shoot' dogs for books and articles.

But this year, I decided to get back to capturing the action with my cameras. And I've added a bit of a twist; I've vowed to shoot even more video than still images. So watch out! I'm now armed with a new Sony camcorder and the latest version of iMovie and I intent to post a video every week or two throughout the season.

Here's my latest piece. It's features my dog Henri (Silvershot's Pocket Rocket) hunting sharptails and snipe on a friend's ranch a couple of hours north of the city. As you will see, my shooting --with camera or gun -- sucks. But we had a great time despite my lack of skill.