Dog Willing

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So there we were, deep in the heart of South Dakota pheasant country chasing roosters with our dogs.

We were working a large section of public walk-in land north west of Watertown.

Our good friends, Los Hermanos Castaneda, were working a tree line ahead with their dog Quell.

Souris and I were making our way through a low spot full of cat tails.

Lisa was following along a ridge-line with her camera taking shots of the action.

As we made or way across the field, Lisa heard the sound of something running behind her. At first she thought it was one of the dogs that had somehow doubled back and was now trying to catch up.

When she turned to see which dog it was she was stunned to see a MASSIVE BUCK, running full speed across the plain, between her and the tree line to the south. Her first reaction was to let out a blood curdling scream which stopped everyone in their tracks....everyone except the buck that is. He turned on the afterburners when he heard the deafening squeal. Luckily, Lisa's second reaction was to point the camera at the running beast and squeeze off a burst of shots with the 200mm lens. The buck was running so fast that she only got one good shot before it disappeared into the cattails.

And what an AWESOME shot it was!!
That was back in November. Since then, Lisa has reminded me every day that the most AWESOME photo of the entire season, was her shot of the buck.

Reluctantly, I have to agree.

Please feel free to comment on Lisa's AWESOME photo to let her know just how AWESOME it is.