Through words and images, we are on a mission to share our passion for pointing dogs, upland hunting and sporting dog photography.
When we are not carrying a shotgun or Canon, we are putting pen to paper. Our articles have appeared in Versatile Hunting Dog Magazine, Gundog Magazine, The Pointing Dog Journal, Weimaraner Nachtrichten, The Griffonnier, Caccia Beccacia, Chasse Bécasse Passion, Chiens de Chasse, Trofeo Caza and many more.
The first edition of our book Pointing Dogs Volume One: The Continentals is almost sold out. We are currently working on Pointing Dogs Volume Two: The British and Irish Breeds. It is scheduled for release in 2018.
Bulk Order Fredrik Skeppstedt
Bulk Order Fredrik Skeppstedt
12 copies of Volume 2 and 3 sets of the two-volume set, shipped by air. Shipping charges included in final price.