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Pointing Dogs Volume One: The Continentals


Through words and images, we are on a mission to share our passion for pointing dogs, upland hunting and sporting dog photography.  

When we are not carrying a shotgun or Canon, we are putting pen to paper. Our articles have appeared in Versatile Hunting Dog Magazine,  Gundog Magazine, The Pointing Dog Journal, Weimaraner Nachtrichten, The Griffonnier, Caccia Beccacia, Chasse Bécasse Passion, Chiens de Chasse, Trofeo Caza and many more. 

The first edition of our book Pointing Dogs Volume One: The Continentals is almost sold out. We are currently working on Pointing Dogs Volume Two: The British and Irish Breeds. It is scheduled for release in 2018. 

Pointing Dogs Volume One: The Continentals

Sold Out

Pointing Dogs Volume One: The Continentals

from $119.00

Over a decade in the making, Pointing Dogs, Volume One: The Continentals is more than a rich collection of photographs. It is a definitive guide to the versatile gundog breeds of Continental Europe. It is an in-depth study of the history, development and current status of the pointing dog. And it is a remarkable travelog of an incredible journey. Written by a hunter for hunters, this volume provides detailed descriptions of all the pointing breeds from Continental Europe, and is illustrated with stunning images of hunting dogs doing what they were bred to do: hunt!  CLICK HERE FOR A LOOK INSIDE.

NOTE: Prices are in US dollars


The scope of this work is truly amazing
William (Sandy) Gunn, Canada
When, at the outset, the author compared his research with what William Arkwright had undertaken at the very outset of shows and trials, but chronicling only one breed, the Pointer, I felt that he was perhaps guilty of self aggrandizing. Arkwright wrote the bible on the Pointer. As I proceeded through 'The Continentals' I soon realized that my impression was not only unfounded but unfair. Mr. Koshyk's work IS the modern day 'bible' on the continental pointing breeds, and its comprehensiveness is remarkable.

If my use of superlatives is off-putting I apologize but, when you are able to read this yourselves, and please do not neglect to do so, you will find my descriptions not only accurate but understatement, such is the value of this book to the serious student of pointing breeds. Nothing can replace being present and experiencing the thrill of a great dog, of whatever breed, doing his thing with the scent of game birds filling his being with purpose but we can now live that experience vicariously through Craig Koshyk's marvelous book of photos and word paintings. --William (Sandy) Gunn, Canada

In short, this book is a staggering opus.
Joanna Laurens, UK
It features all the HPRs I've ever heard of, and then a whole lot more besides, along with comprehensive sections on the History, Form and Function of each breed. (Caution: This book is dangerous. You will find yourself making a shopping list. Personally, I am now coveting the Braque du Bourbonnais. It has a natural bob-tail, did you know?)

The photos are stunning and effortlessly capture the beauty of the dogs in the field. There are many whole-page photos of dogs, and I found myself wanting even more, and wanting the smaller photos BIG. I wanted huge posters of these photos, they were so stunning. Realistically, though, I think the photos couldn't be any bigger without something having to go, in this 364 page book. It must have been very difficult for Craig to choose which photos to use and which not to include; which photos would go full-page and which would have to stay smaller.(Writers call this 'killing your babies'. Craig must have killed many. I feel for him.)

I have only read the Weim and the SRHP sections thoroughly, so far, but have dipped in and out of many others and I look forward to reading more. I've already learnt things I didn't know: I had no idea Weims were listed in the German GSP stud book until the 1920s and were considered a grey variant of the GSP! I'm no expert myself, but I have no doubt that even the most experienced owner of their breed will learn something new from this book.

The quality of the book is top-notch: The hardback is thick and heavy, the pages are dense and creamy and (very important to me, this one) it has that 'new book' smell! The book is (probably must be, to cover costs) pricey. However, when you think that it costs about the same as a tank of petrol and a couple of entries in a field event, it's a worthy investment.

In the book, Craig often refers to people who have done a great service for their breed by, say, bringing it back from near-extinction or promoting working abilities. I think it's clear to anyone with their hands on this epic that Craig, himself, has done a great service for all these breeds through creating something which is such a breathtaking tribute to the dogs we all live with, and love.

What an incredible book!
Hank Phillips, USA.
The quality and depth of the content, the design, your personal observations, and of course, the fabulous photos, make this one of the best dog books (especially sporting dogs) I have ever read (and I have read quite a few). I'm sure this book will get some high praise from the dog community and the upland hunting crowd, both in Europe and North America. Besides its aesthetic qualities, it is highly educational and should do an excellent job introducing those unaware, myself included, of the many fine hunting breeds that exist in Europe (Yes Watson, there is life other than the GSP). 

This is THE book about the Continental pointing dogs.
Zsofia Miczek, Hungary
I don't think there is any similarly thorough, well-put-together, high-quality book about the pointing dogs anywhere in the world. Not only are the pictures fantastic, but the very profound content makes the book a precious piece for anyone interested in hunting dogs. Not one breed of Continental Pointing Dogs is left out of the book, including breeds I have never seen or heard of. The descriptions of their working styles covered in each chapter gives a great overview for the reader.

Wow, I am in awe!
Anne Taguchi, USA
Of course I went to the Weim pages first, but enjoyed randomly flipping around and reading about breeds I'd never heard of before. It will sit proudly on my book shelf!